Ongoing CALL OUT to Authors and Poets – Textual Illustration for The Image.

art, Design, drawing, metamorphosis, Painting, poetry, press, Prints, Quotes, short story, text and image

In reverse of the usual order…illustrating drawings with text… to be combined into a book, and exhibition.

I’m still looking for contributors/collaborators for this project.

There are over 40 artworks to be illustrated and I’ll be publishing them gradually here and on my social media @BlancheEllisArt as the project progresses… so keep an eye out here. I may also be putting up snippets of the writing I’ve received… with permission of the authors.


Changing shape…

Even since I posted about this last week the idea has developed, mostly because of the amazing responses I’ve had already from friends, strangers, other artists, an art-book maker and poets and authors from different backgrounds, and languages. And have found many secret authors in my acquaintances.

I’m so happy to be receiving this fount of creativity!   


Words lead words… 

It’s even leading me to write myself, in an attempt to track what I am looking for. Other people draw out my words with their own wonderful phrases and I feel the pitch, the roll and magnetism of the word collaboration, a force all of it’s own… changing the shape of my intension as it unfolds. Perhaps a preface…

“Word-turns apt in riddle and rhythm to trip and roll the mind causing backtrack, retrace, and circled in so turning, the sentence sense embraced. The way a picture leads the eye, not forward to finality but, with concentric in-conclusions, as a dance that makes sense-of-a-step does so by leading you both too-and-fro and leaving you, not locked, but poised by punctuation.”


Drink Me –

The Story-World…

The initial idea was that each piece of text be another ‘moment’ from the images story-world, a suggestion or clue that opens up the narrative to further interpretation rather than attempting to complete, or explain the picture itself. Instead of finished stories I’m looking for writing that echoes or extends the sense of mystery and magical-realism, and may do so without obvious reference to the image itself. It could be specific, detailed, atmospheric or impressionistic. All and any ideas appreciated!

As the project opens up I think the writing could be in anthropological, an impossible recipe, a critique of a non-existant novel (think J. L. Borges), a short letter, a completely brazen critique of a character, or of the picture itself .

Ideas abound

Please share any ideas here or by email at

See more of the images on Instagram and in the previous post and call out

Thank you for stopping by!


Jagriti Yatra Artwork In Full

art, drawing, Drawing in Public, Exhibition, Illustration, location drawing, location painting, Painting, Quotes, reportage, sketchbook, Sketchnotes

At last I have managed to turn the 15 meter concertina sketchbook that recorded the last Jagriti Yatra journey around India into a digital format!

Jagriti Yatra detail 3

“Jagriti Yatra is an ambitious train journey of discovery and transformation that takes hundreds of India’s highly motivated youth, especially those who are from small towns and villages of India on a 15 day, 8000 km national odyssey to meet the role models – social and business entrepreneurs – of the country.

The vision of the Jagriti is ‘Building India Through Enterprise'”

Such an intense journey, living on a train with amazing people and experiences and transformed into this artwork by myself and Temujen Gunawardena

working in all sort of places and situations over a mad 15 days..

Jagriti Yatra detail 2

You can see the epic size of our art odessy here…

Jagriti yatra long cut 1Jagriti yatra long cut 2Jagriti Yatra long cut 3

So, to make it visible in the world of on-screen formatting I’ve divided it up in the gallery below for you to browse in detail… or…

Click here to see a video of the artwork in motion under the hands of myself and Temujen Gunawardena…


Click the pictures to browse through the gallery…

Exhibition of the full artwork coming soon….

see previous posts for more drawings from my personal travel sketchbook

Blanche-India-Sketchbook---FAST---0.2- 20%

Miscelanea Art Club – Exhibition

art, Design, drawing, exhibiton, Illustration, Painting, philosophy, poetry, portrait, Prints, Quotes, sketchbook

Really looking forward to being part of this exhibition in Vauxhall at VGCC on September 19th – it’s going to be a real mix of artists and mediums and raising money to keep the community centre open.


My contribution will be a little cast of characters that have been emerging from my desk of late, combining the strange bodies of my imagination with equally strange advice that has jigsawed into place from cut-up text, books, newspapers and other once innocently printed and now mis-used words.


more info here :


Published! Drawings from Van Harskamp exhibition at Kunstraum Gallery, September ’14

art, drawing, Exhibition, Illustration, location drawing, press, Quotes, reportage

In September I had the chance to work an a very interesting project created by Nicoline Van Harskamp. A reading of Pygmalion. It was live-translated back from over 14 different languages back into English and recorded. My drawings capture the reading in progress.


My drawings were then published along with the script in a limited edition book by Onomatopee.

Blanche Ellis Kunstraum Gallery '14 05

Some of my reportage drawings from Nicoline Van Harskamp’s exhibition are showcased by the publishers Onomatopee. A fuller set of my drawings from the days events have been published by Onomatopee in the book which resulted from the reading Nicoline set up at Kunstraum Gallery in Hoxton, London.

Blanche Ellis Kunstraum Gallery '14 06

I really enjoy reportage drawing and capturing the mood of the participants and how the marks of the drawings echoed the varied marks of the many written languages in the open books.

Blanche Ellis Kunstraum Gallery '14 01

There was a great humour in some of the phrases as they were re-translated, the process also showed up some fascinating cultural assumptions and differences.

Blanche Ellis Kunstraum Gallery '14 11

Blanche Ellis Kunstraum Gallery '14 03

I hope to have the chance to work with this project further as I find the links between text and images and the cultural crossover and divergence fascinating.

Neil Gaiman – ‘Make Good Art’ Speech – Sketchnotes

art, Design, drawing, Illustration, Quotes, Sketchnotes

Having been drawing ideas and taking visual notes for a long time I have begun to create full ‘sketchnotes’ of talks/lectures and interesting ideas, as well as my short story illustrations. This also links back to my Musicians, Writers and Philosophers project, creating work based on those who inspire me.

Below is a sketchnote from Neil Gaiman’s wonderful speech ‘Make Good Art’ (worth a watch if you have any ideas about starting out in a freelance art world) to a graduating class.

Click on images to view larger, in gallery.
As usual, for prints please email

Bertrand Russell on Eccentricity and Love

art, Design, drawing, Illustration, Painting, philosophy, Quotes


Although these works are part of my on-going project ‘Musicians, Writers & Philosophers’  I feel this fellow deserves his own post. No introduction needed…


Bertrand Russell and Eccentricity  "Do not fear to be eccentric... every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."

Bertrand Russell and Eccentricity
“Do not fear to be eccentric… every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”


Bertrand Russell - "Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness."

Bertrand Russell – “Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.



comments welcome, prints available.