Natural Selection

art, botanical, Camden Market, Design, drawing, Illustration, Market Stall, natural observation, Painting
Oysters in Bloom (detail)  '13

Oysters in Bloom (detail) ’13

In this ink, watercolour and gouache series I celebrate the beautiful things we find underfoot.

Helicopter Leaves in Violet '13

Helicopter Leaves in Violet ’13

Especially those that have carried life, in wood, or bone, or shell, or sap: objects that I find endlessly fascinating. There’s also a focus on the colours of this time of year, which are my favourite. See the full gallery here.

Autumn of Albion - '13

Autumn of Albion – ’13

I am on Camden Market in the East Yard every Sunday until Christmas with prints of my work. (And possibly more often too!) If you want to find me there or find out when I’m next going email

Autumn Spring Series

art, botanical, Design, drawing, Illustration, location painting, metamorphosis, natural observation, Painting

I have always loved conkers, they look and feel like the most delicious things in the world, they all fall in such a short time and tarnish to a dull sheen so quickly.

This year I’ve tried to catch them in their most glorious moments as they burst from their shells and start to become like wizened little old faces which populate my room until the next ‘fall’.

Again this series echoes my fascination with metamorphosis. I chose the title Autumn Spring because there is something of the freshness of spring in the brief flowering of this autumn fruit, joining the two opposing seasons reminds me how the years roll round, and round… and round.

Autumn Spring - '13 - Full Series

Autumn Spring – ’13 – Full Series